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The Swords Court Cards of a Tarot Deck

Author: Victor Epand

The Page of any suit has a childlike personality about it. Of all the Pages, this is the most mature and capable but it maintains much of the lightness and whimsy of childhood. This tarot card can represent an event, a part of you or an aspect of another person. It is typically a positive minded card, representing mental power and insight. There is also an investigative nature at work here but usually not in a detrimental way. Balance and strength of heart exist in this card. When this card shows up in a reading, you will have the clarity and diplomacy to make a decision regarding even the toughest decision.

The Knight of Swords bears no resemblance to his little brother the Page. He is without emotion, hostile and a bringer of conflict. There is no fear here or chance of defeat. His feelings of invincibility, while a negative on the whole, can give him the short term confidence needed to plow through an obstacle. There is no balance in judgment- but that can be a good thing. Sometimes a situation can only be rectified by plowing straight through it without fear and with the knowledge that you can make it through to the other side unscathed. That said, the negative aspects of this card need to be watched so that they do not become overpowering and unproductive. This card can represent an aspect of you, another person or an event.

The Queen of Swords has an emotional side but you'll never see it- even though it does influence her decisions. The majority of times that this card shows up in a tarot reading it is representing another person. She is able to see through to the heart of a situation and sense even the most subtle deception. She holds honesty and truth higher than all other things. She is often distant from others due to exacting standards and can suffer from negative self-worth feelings due to not living up to them herself. But her brilliant sense of humor can mask these feelings well for others. She is symbolic of learning something from every situation and becoming a master of analysis.

The King of Swords is the fairest judge you can find. Highly emotional, he is able to keep his feelings in check when making decisions. Usually, this card represents another person in a tarot reading but it can occasionally be an aspect of self. He is a commander, a leader- someone that others follow out of trust. He is capable of making the best decision for the group at whole. He is active and likely to make the first strike. His lack of empathy can come down harshly on those who break what he has deemed to be the rules. When this card appears, the person it represents will draw attention of others as their leadership abilities and mental clarity become obvious. This is a person who takes charge of a room and leads them to battle. He is as far from being a wallflower as you can be.

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About the Author:

Victor Epand is an expert consultant for magic, art, and Tantra. You can find the best marketplace for magic, art, and Tantra at these 3 sites for tarot cards, art, and Tantra.

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