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Practical Feng Shui Tips For Decorating Any Home Or Office

Author: Lynn Lee

Feng Shui, pronounced "Fung Shway", is an ancient Chinese practice that allows any space to have good energy flow. Having a good energy or Chi flow is essential to keeping the area peaceful and in good order. Many people use Feng Shui in their everyday lives no matter where they are, whether at home, at the office or in the car.

Feng Shui can help the Chi, good energy, flow to keep out negative energies and make the environment healthier for those who dwell or work within it. To obtain a more peaceful and harmonious life, you need to follow certain Feng Shui tips.

One of the best places to apply Feng Shui is at the office. Doing this can help increase the enjoyment and productivity of those working within. However, it is very important to use Feng Shui in the home as well. Here are some great tips to help you begin using Feng Shui in your home or office today!

Feng Shui Tip #1

First of all you need to clean up the clutter. Get rid of anything that does not need to be in the area, make sure nothing is broken, if it is, throw it out or fix it. Clutter can make you stress out and even depress you. If you have things piled up on your dresser, table or desk you will want to clear them away to make yourself feel more at ease when you are in this space. Things piled around a mile high will stop the Chi from flowing the way it should, cleaning the mess will allow the Chi to flow and use its magic in your everyday life.

Feng Shui Tip #2

For an office, you will want your desk in position called the command position, which means that it needs to be in full view of the door but not in the direct line. If you find it impossible to have full view of the door from the desk you will need a mirror.

At home, the bed should also be in a command position in the bedroom which is pretty much the same as the desk, in full view of the door but not in the door's direct line. However, if you cannot fully see the door from the bed you cannot use a mirror as you would in the office, mirrors create bad Feng Shui in the bedroom.

Feng Shui Tip #3

Place specific objects in certain spots to create positive energy in every aspect of your life. Certain colors apply to specific elements and each element has control over important aspects in your life. By placing objects and colors that correspond with the element of spots around your home and office you will help the Chi flow better and add to the growing harmony. There are five elements that apply to Feng Shui, Earth, Water, Fire, Wood and Metal. Each of the elements has colors and areas that they correspond with.

Above are three important feng shui tips to keep in mind when you are creating peace, harmony and good Chi flow in your home or office by using Feng Shui. Having peace at home and at the office can lead to a much more pleasurable life. The great thing about Feng Shui is you do not have to be a believer for it to work in your life. Just try simple things in your home or office and you will see and feel the difference.

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Click Here to get Free Tips on how to improve your life with Feng Shui Decorating. Lynn Lee is a celebrated authority on Feng Shui providing valuable advice at

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